Knowing Your Purpose
Knowing Your Purpose
“Excerpts from the Prize Fight”
Written by: Misty Holmes Dorsey
Copyright © 2013, 2015
“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, and that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.” Romans 12:2
Many people go through life trying to find their purpose. They look in many arenas trying to find one’s purpose. However, true purpose can only be found in Christ Jesus who is the Head all. Only God can give you the meaning of purpose. The world will never actually be able to define what your true purpose and your true calling is.
As saints of God when we do not know who we are, and why God created us a demonic door has the potential of opening up and giving the enemy access to us. We then have the potential of becoming dangerous to ourselves and to others. When I say a demonic door I am talking about a door that we opened and Satan walked right in. Every decision that we make must be based on the Word. We cannot and must not get caught up in our emotions and allow the enemy legal access to us. Without God there is no way of knowing your true purpose.