

The LORD also shall roar out of Zion, and utter his voice from Jerusalem; and the heavens and the earth shall shake: but the LORD will be the hope of his people, and the strength of the children of Israel.          Joel 3:16

For who has stood in the council of the Lord, and has perceived and heard His word? Who has marked His word and heard it?

Jeremiah 23:18


It is our mandate to see those operating in prophetic gifting or called to office to have a solid foundation for Seeing, Hearing, Perceiving, Identifying and Declaring the voice of the Lord in teaching, preaching the Word of God also through song, dance, drama, drawings and other arts.


We intend through sound biblical teaching, impartation and the release into the Revelatory Realms, to train and equip prophetic people to release the Word of the Lord according to the measure Christ has given them. That there will be a deep abiding and awareness that we are ambassadors for the Lord called with purpose and destiny to do God’s will in the earth. Without Him we are nothing!


Our Mission


To send apostolic prophetic teams to the nations representing our Lord and Savior.

  • To restore character, integrity, and honesty back in gifting and the office.
  • To provide on-line training, seminars and mobile schools of prophecy and deliverance to the nations to equip every believer to accurately discern the voice of God speak for God as He leads.
  • To mentor those called to properly fulfill their destiny, purpose and call.
  • Provide all manner of apostolic / prophetic resources first the word then (books, curriculums, CD’S,) to the nations.
  • To train and teach pitfalls to avoid.
  • To equip those who are called to the marketplace.


The earth is the LORD’S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they
that dwell therein. Psalms 24:1




2 Comments to Home

  1. thelionsroar says:

    Brenda, First of all we welcome you to the city of Easton and we pray for a smooth transitional move for you and yours. To answer your question, yes we do. Brenda please contact our office at Revival Fire International Ministries at 610-829-1129 so we can discuss this question further.
    Blessings, Sister Carmen Sanchez.

  2. Looking for school of ministry in easton pa. Will be moving in a couple of months and I believe I God has called me to walk in the supernatural and I want the training to fully live HIS purpose for my life. Do u offer that in Easton pa? Thank u and God bless!

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